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Unimate helps make great days the rule, not the exception.


Yerba mate comes from a plant native to South America, where it has been consumed in community rituals for hundreds of years. Naturally rich in antioxidants and nutrients, yerba mate has been traditionally used to promote mental clarity, endurance, appetite control, and an improved mood. The yerba mate leaves in Unicity Unimate undergo a unique five-step process—handpicking, fire roasting, extracting, concentrating, and purifying. As a result, Unimate is a proprietary extract that enhances the benefits of yerba mate and contains up to 10 times the amount of chlorogenic acids (feel-good elements) found in a typical cup of coffee. No matter what daily tasks await, Unimate will support your cognitive function and endurance and help you feel great.


Choose Unimate, and choose to feel great.

Unimate Booster Pack

SKU: 00011
    • High-quality, purified, ultra-concentrated – yerba mate.
    • Unicity 7x: A specialized blend of plant-derived polysaccharides.
    • Rich source of
      – Chlorogenic acids.
      – Theobromine.
      – Mate saponins.
      – Antioxidants.
    • Convenient single-serving sachets.
    • Sugar free (Sucrose).
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